Provided you actually use them for something besides a clothes hanger, treadmills can be great. (I can personally attest that mine holds at least eight shirts and six pairs of pants…but that’s a different story.) Treadmills are specifically designed to help you get and stay healthy. So if your goal … Read More
SimpleLTC not vulnerable to Heartbleed bug
By now you’ve likely heard about the Heartbleed bug, the browser security vulnerability affecting online services and accounts worldwide. We wanted to provide an update you so you have clear information about the security and reliability of SimpleLTC’s long-term care software products. What is the Heartbleed bug? Heartbleed is a … Read More
We’ve moved! SimpleLTC relocates to expanded headquarters
Even when your name includes the word “Simple,” it’s never a simple endeavor to relocate your company’s headquarters. A well-established technology company that provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) to 2,000+ long-term care facilities can’t just pack up a few boxes, unplug the servers and coffee pot, then drive across town and plug … Read More
Texas HHSC delays STAR+PLUS managed care transition to 2015
Sighs of relief can be heard all across Texas this week… The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) announced today they will postpone moving nursing facility residents into STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care until Mar. 1, 2015. The goal is to allow additional time to address the concerns of facilities, … Read More
4 reasons we love AANAC (and you should too!)
It’s just four weeks until the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordination (AANAC) hosts its 2014 Annual Conference & Exhibition, April 9-11 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. This marks the 15th year of AANAC’s existence and their 15th annual event. It’s also the third consecutive … Read More